Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What Good Can Come From Nazareth?

"Even now, this is the Lord's declaration: Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Tear your hearts, not just your clothes, and return to the Lord your God. For he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in faithful love, and he relents from sending disaster." Joel 2:12-13 (HCSB)

There are times in which God's people, in a nation facing great national crisis, or moral decline, are commanded by God to drop every denominational, racial, gender, and age barrier and unite together in fasting, prayer, humility, and repentance. America is in such a time.

Our nation is in desperate need of an undeserved mercy from God and another great spiritual awakening. When there's no hope for a nation, when there's no remedy, God still has a holy prescription. 

I had the opportunity this past weekend to spend 24 full hours without food and sleep to simply be in the presence of Jesus and intercede for whatever He wanted me to. I couldn't get enough of it. When the 24 hours was over, I asked for another 24 hours. I could've gone another 24 hours without sleep! That's how simply satisfying our Jesus is.

I've come to realize the importance of prayer and fasting. When you set aside a specific period of time (minutes, hours, days, months, or years) to fully devote yourself to prayer and fasting, God moves. It's a fact. It's as if God is leaning over his heavenly balcony, looking down on us--on Detroit, on the MidWest, on America--connecting his eyes with ours, saying, "Move Me." Those eyes of his, that are filled with fire, are daring us to move him. Can we really move God, the creator of the Universe? Yes, we can! He calls us to! This is how it works: throughout the Bible, God calls his people to sacrifice everything they have to come to repentance. And every time God's people repented, God moved. He did. Look it up. He is faithful and good and wants to see change. He wants to be moved by us.

He wants revival.

Revival is coming, people. Detroit, get ready. There is a special anointing upon that city...the ground is shaking and the air is changing. I'll definitely be back there soon, because I felt a tug to the city when I first got there. I'm going to be part of this revival God has in store. Pray for me, for us who are stepping up to the call to change our nation and bring it back to the One who gave us freedom!

You know, if you're like me, you're probably thinking, "Detroit? Why on earth would God choose Detroit of all places to start a revival? What good can come from Detroit?" I thought this very thing before I got there. I kept saying, "I can't believe I'm going to Detroit for a weekend of prayer. I'd much rather be going to NYC or L.A! What good can come from Detroit? It's so washed up. What a waste." Yeah, I'm that judgmental. But instantly when I thought those things, God reminded me of John 1:46. Jesus is seeking out his disciples, and after he finds Philip, Phil goes to find his buddy Nathanael to tell him that he's found the Messiah, the One they've been waiting for; His name is Jesus, that guy from Nazareth. Nathanael's response was, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Phil simply replied, "Come and see." All I needed to do was "come and see" Detroit to see that even though it's not a shining, glorious city in the U.S., God has big plans to come from it. Remember that our Savior was born in a barn in a tiny town. Our Savior grew up in a dirty, unpopular city. Our Savior used fisherman, lepers, prostitutes, and people on the outskirts to further His Kingdom. God has a thing for using the unpopular and the rejected.
That's what Detroit is, right now. Unpopular and rejected. Stricken with poverty, crime, racism, and injustice. Detroit is exactly what God needs.

So that's a brief, brief summary of The Call last weekend. God is really stirring hearts and shaking lives of young people in our nation...and I'm so, so honored and stoked to be a part of it...

If you have any interest in supporting me and/or my team, please please please let me know! As of now, I need $2,700 by December 10. It's a big deal, but nothing's too big for my God to handle. I have full trust that I'll have that support.

The things I'm learning here in Discipleship Training School every day are absolutely revolutionary to the way I'm going to live the rest of my life. I wish I could blog about every single sermon I hear, every class period I sit in on, every revelation God gives me, and every experience my friends go through. If you guys could only see the ways God is moving...

Don't hesitate to email me, call me, text me, anything! I miss and love you guys, and I really want you all to hear about the things I'm learning! If you have questions about Detroit, The Call, the upcoming revival, or anything else I've said, please ask :)


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