Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the call.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

This is a gathering place for the nations. 
The "melting pot."
There's a reason. 

I pray we realize why it is here that all people gather to be free. 
I pray I seek my place in this country. I trust You, God.

Above is a little excerpt from my journal I scribbled as we were corporately praying for the U.S. on Monday morning.

Well, tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 6:30 a.m. I will be ready to jump in a van and drive for 24 hours up to Detroit, MI. I'm so, so excited! The Call is an opportunity for Americans to gather together in one place and lift up our nation, our home, in much-needed prayer. I have a video of how it began in my previous blog post.
I'm just so stoked!!
I'm also very excited to come back on Sunday and relay to you guys everything that happens this weekend. I'm sure that's a blog post you won't want to ignore!

So, if you would, please pray for my classmates and I as we head up north tomorrow morning. We won't get the conveniences of beds OR showers, so pray for our heath and our spirits...that they're as lifted up as possible (even in a crowded van full of 20-somethings who haven't showered in 4 days)! :)

And if you get the chance, check out my India Newsletter on facebook!


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