Sunday, March 4, 2012

One Thing Remains...

Hello, friends!
It's been such a long time since I've blogged! I've been traveling across the world and back! My travels have finally settled and I am now home in Minnesota with STORIES TO TELL.
Where do I start? I haven't stopped traveling since before December 27. That's 2 full months of travel...I got home to Minnesota on February 27. Wow!
I started my adventures in Kansas City, MO by attending Onething 2011: an annual conference put on by IHOP, the biggest International House of Prayer in the Midwest. If you've never heard of Onething, please look it up! It was such an incredible time of fellowship with my God and my friends! I can't imagine a better way to usher in 2012 than to be worshiping the King of kings and Lord of lords on Dec. 31 at midnight. I really fell in love with IHOP and Kansas City during that time. I can't wait to make my way back!
From Kansas City, my friends and I made our way back to Tyler, Texas, to prepare for our Outreaches! What a beautiful few days on the base. I said goodbye to my dear friends, my YWAM family, and packed my bags for Dallas!
My Outreach began with 4 days in Dallas and a week and a half in Houston doing a lot of homeless and street ministry. It was a new experience for me to put on things like church in the streets and hanging out with homeless people, but it was so precious and valuable to me. I soaked up every second on those streets and every ministry I got to serve. I can't even really begin to tell you how blessed I was by just getting to experience the brokenness of America. Drug addicts, prostitutes, alcoholics, homeless, street kids and orphans, young and old...I met and fell in love with them all. God's heart for the lost and hungry was beating in my own chest. What an honor it is to share his heart!
But Dallas and Houston were only the beginning of a beautiful communion of my heartbeat and His. After 2 weeks of Stateside Outreach, my team of 22 set off for India.
Traveling around India for 4 weeks was one of the biggest honors of my life. What an honor that God would call ME to such a place, for such a time as then. I was completely overwhelmed by His goodness and love the entire time. Without going into detail, I am just overjoyed to say that I got to be part of God's love for India: my hands have orchestrated and my eyes have seen the healing power of God countless times; casting out demons and ministering to orphans; weeping with widows and feeding the homeless; the testimonies are too many to name and almost too overwhelming to comprehend.
Please, please ask me to tell you stories. I absolutely LOVE talking about what God has done and is doing in India and in my life.

And alas! I have decided to move. I am taking a new direction, a new fork in the road; and with this new direction has come a new blog. So here's my brand new site, as I will no longer be using this one.

Thank you all so much for following my journey thus far...I am so grateful for all your support and love. Let's continue to walk deeper into His presence; let's find out just how deep His heart really is....

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